Marketing approach – recruiting supporters

Channel Approach Activity

Digital- Social Media

- Feature "where the funds have been used and made a difference" case studies
- Create sharable graphics
- Regular posts on the social media pages
- Sharing content and stories from the lottery website

Digital- Your website

- Page on website detailing why the lottery has been
started and how the central fund money will be
- Tile on the front page of the website 

Digital- External e-newsletters
- Inclusion in all public facings newsletters e.g. news
feature or banner

Digital- Video

- Creating video content to showcase the
lottery impact to share online
- Produce a video to help explain how the lottery works
and how to join in


Digital- What's App Groups/Communities

- Create a community for others to join and promote this in newsletters/emails - everywhere you can!

- Share how players sign up

- Share good news stories such as wins and where the funds have been used 

Paid Digital- Target Facebook Advertising, Digital screens

- Targeted advertising to both key audience groups;
- Prize motivated
- Charity motivated
 E.g. in local post offices, transport screens

Paid Advertising Targeted

-Advertising in key publications e.g. Hyper local
- Posters on local buses

PR- External channels

 Target Media Releases including:
- Regional and local news outlets – newspapers
and online
- Hyper local magazines, parish and village
newsletters, town/village websites
- Lifestyle magazines, print and online
- Broadcast – local radio
- Affiliated channels – charity newsletters,
community organisations, business

PR- Internal comms

- News feature on the intranet
- Stand in office to promote to staff
- Internal competitions e.g. guess the number of tickets
for first draw 

Materials Internal and external

 - Leaflets and posters on site and at council owned
sites e.g. Park and Ride
 - Pull up banners for events
- Branded t-shirts (staff when promoting)
 - Branded photo frames to take on promotional
events for content
 - FAQ’s
 - Email templates for further information

Events Library /community hub tour

 - Stands at local libraries or community hubs to speak
to the public to answer questions and
help register
 - Promote the event across all channels, including as
an event on Facebook